Saturday, March 10, 2012

.INFO: Mesjanizm w transformacji // Messianism in transformation

Rok 2011 był dla polskiej polityki zagranicznej wyjątkowo sprzyjający. Dobre wyniki makroekonomiczne w porównaniu z innymi krajami UE pozwoliły rządowi polskiemu na dumne przechadzki po europejskich salonach. Wiosna arabska pokrzyżowała nieco plany polskiej prezydencji, ale jak na ironię losu dała też dodatkowy impuls dla flagowego projektu polskiej dyplomacji – promocji demokracji w Europie Wschodniej.

To read the full article please visit the ICRA website (in Polish).

.INFO: The EU-US security and justice agenda in action (Book)

Over the last ten years, several EU-US agreements have been concluded on issues like mutual legal assistance, personal data exchanges or transfers of financial data. The trend towards increasing transatlantic integration in the security domain has seen the emergence of new policy instruments which have often been criticised for their lack of transparency and accountability. This has given rise to a serious debate concerning data protection and civil liberties.

To find out more about this publication please visit the EUISS website.

.INFO: The Agenda for the EU-US strategic partnership (Book)

Nothing is more imperative for EU foreign policy than defining a common agenda with the US. Regrettably, in recent times transatlantic relations have all too often been marred by ideological divergences that are largely a legacy of the Cold War era. Such dissensions are clearly dysfunctional in today’s multipolar world, which calls for a concerted effort to build broader coalitions that transcend ideological divides.

To find out more about this publication please visit the EUISS website.

.INFO: Time for honest audit of EU-US relations

With pressure coming from every direction, the EU and the US now, more than ever, need an honest discussion about their partnership. They should figure out how best to consolidate their strengths and plan a course of action.

The electoral year in the United States poses a challenge to Europeans, but it also offers an opportunity for them to reflect upon the state of the transatlantic partnership and present their vision of it.

The next presidency will not be about repairing America's image but about reaffirming US global leadership.

Read the full article at EUObserver.

.INFO: EU foreign policy: More for more, or more of the same?

Almost a week ago, the Polish EU presidency proudly announced that over 500 media representatives had asked for accreditation to attend the Eastern Partnership Summit in Warsaw on 29 and 30 September. From the outset it was clear the meeting was mainly a PR exercise and an opportunity for the Polish government to revive one of its pet ideas, especially in the context of elections coming up on 9 October.

Commentators in Poland were not easy on their foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, calling the lack of a joint declaration on Belarus a "failure of Polish diplomacy." So what should European leaders learn from this summit?

Read the full text at EUObserver.