Saturday, December 18, 2010

.COMment: EU-US data sharing

The Washington Post editorial of November 3, 2010 entitled Europe’s dangerous refusal to share air travel data talks about tensions in the EU-US counterterrorism cooperation and how 'distressing' they are. As an academic who spent the past six years researching transatlantic homeland security – and the EU-US PNR agreements in particular – I would like to comment on some of their observations.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

.INFO: The US mid-term elections

The nostalgia for President Obama’s message of hope, change and post-partisanship articulated during the 2008 presidential elections was not enough to win over the majority of Americans preoccupied with high unemployment rates, slow economic growth and the country’s huge deficit. The Republican Party’s (GOP) win in the House of Representatives and the Democrats’ slight victory in the Senate are proof of Americans’ dissatisfaction with President Obama’s domestic agenda (e.g. the health care bill, government powers, unemployment, tax cuts) and suggest potential battlegrounds.

.ME: Re-branding

End of the year is a good opportunity to rethink certain things and make drastic changes. So far, two elements provided stability in my life: my relationship and my e-mail address. Both are challenged by my move back to Paris. And whereas I am confident about my personal life, yet another change of e-mail address made me think.