Tuesday, December 14, 2010

.ME: Re-branding

End of the year is a good opportunity to rethink certain things and make drastic changes. So far, two elements provided stability in my life: my relationship and my e-mail address. Both are challenged by my move back to Paris. And whereas I am confident about my personal life, yet another change of e-mail address made me think.

So far my identity as an academic and resercher was defined by .eui. Of course, the quality of my work was extremely important but .eui was a great door opener as well. Not to mention, it offered an affiliation I was proud of. So I have decided to keep it even after leaving the Institute. But circumstances are changing. Academia is increasingly becoming a money-oriented undertaking - with academics required to focus more on fundraising rather than on research itself. Researchers themselves are required to focus on networking and public relations in addition to academic work. Who you are - and if you are - is no longer defined by the quality of your work but also by the number of connections in your linkedin profile or a personal website.

And since adaptability seems to be in value these days, I have also decided to play the game. So goodbye .eui, welcome .com.

This blog will feature: 

.COMments – on recent events, news, etc;
.INFOrmation – about my most recent publications;
.ME – about events and things in my life which I find important and would like to share;
.NETwork – about interesting events, people, etc.

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